Wayward, eclectic, and ridden with collage and torn bits, these canvasses are grounded by fragments from my drawings, and elsewhere, content from Terremoto (MX), sometimes together with digitized photographs from a 1906 family album.
The album depicts school life with the Stockbridge Munsee Band of Mohicans, photographed by my grandfather, then twenty years old, who was teaching at the Band's invitation on the reservation in northeastern Wisconsin.
As objects, these things are dense and marked like aging bodies. Fabulation enters the scene of making. The children keep watch. Ghost ponies throw off their riders. In the schoolhouse on a winter's night, deer meet with Melusine.
An essay by architectural historian and curator Silvia Perea, "Christina McPhee: Terremoto," spring 2024 issue of LUMArt Magazine : PDF