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extend sensations of scale with intimate detail across psychic and Terrestrial SITES, on surfaces including washi. cold Press, and recycled papers.COSMOs AND CRISIs intersect through Tense and fluid Line.
works from sets including:
lunar fire 2025
Aelita Scores 2024
Little Organ Book 2023
Valley of the Bones 2022
In his book "Sculpting in Time," Tarkovsky writes: "It is a mistake to talk about the artist 'looking for' his subject. In fact the subject grows within him like a fruit, and begins to demand expression. It is like childbirth… The poet has nothing to be proud of: he is not master of the situation, but a servant. Creative work is his only possible form of existence, and his every work is like a deed he has no power to annul. For him to be aware that a sequence of such deeds is due and right, that it lies in the very nature of things, he has to have faith in the idea, for only faith interlocks the system of images."
(Wikipedia entry on the film Andrei Rublev)
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